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Privacy statement

Your visit to our website my.gessmann.com and your interest in our company are very welcome.

We attach utmost importance to the protection of your personal data, e.g. date of birth, name, telephone number, address etc..

The purpose of this privacy statement is to inform you about the processing of your personal data we collect from you when you visit our website. Our data protection policy is in accordance with the statutory provisions of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Federal Data Protection Act (BDSG). The following data protection declaration is intended to meet the information obligations arising from the GDPR. For example, these can be found in Art 13 and Art 14 et seqq. GDPR.

Person responsible

The person responsible within the meaning of Art. 4 No. 7 GDPR is the person, who decides individually or jointly with others on the purposes and means of the processing of personal data.

Regarding our website the person responsible is:

W. Gessmann GmbH
Eppinger Straße 221
74211 Leingarten
E-Mail: sales@gessmann.com
Tel.: +49 7131 4067 0
Fax: +49 7131 4067 10

Contact details of the data protection officer

We have appointed a data protection officer in accordance with Art. 37 GDPR. Our data protection officer can be reached as follows:

Michael Wengert
Eppinger Straße 221
74211 Leingarten
E-Mail: datenschutz@gessmann.com

Provision of the website and creation of log files

Whenever you access our website, our system automatically collects data and information about the device you are accessing the website with (e.g. computer, mobile phone, tablet, etc.).

Which personal data is collected and to what extent is it processed?

(1) Information about the browser type and the version used;
(2) the operating system of the retrieval device;
(3) host name of the computer used for access;
(4) the IP address of the retrieval device;
(5) date and time of access;
(6) websites and resources (images, files, other page content) accessed from our website;
(7) websites from which the user's system accessed our website (referrer tracking);
(8) notification if the retrieval was successful;
(9) amount of data transmitted

This data is stored in the log files of our system. This data is not stored together with the personal data of a specific user, so that individual website visitors cannot be identified.

Legal basis for the processing of personal data

Art. 6 (1) lit. f GDPR (legitimate interest). It is our legitimate interest to ensure that the following purpose is achieved.

Purpose of data processing

The provisional (automated) storage of the data is required for the course of a website visit to enable the delivery of the website. The storage and processing of personal data is also done to keep our website interoperable for as many visitors as possible and to prevent misuse and troubleshooting. For this purpose, it is necessary to keep a log of the technical data of the computer accessing the website in order to be able to react as early as possible to display errors, attacks on our IT systems and/or errors affecting the functionality of our website. The data also serves to optimise the website and generally ensure the security of our information technology systems.

Duration of storage

The deletion of the above-mentioned technical data takes place once it is no longer needed to ensure the interoperability of the website for all visitors, but no later than 3 months after our website is accessed.

Right of objection and cancellation

At any time you may object to the processing in accordance with Art. 21 GDPR and request the deletion of data in accordance with Art. 17 GDPR. The rights to which you are entitled and how you assert them can be found at the bottom of this privacy statement.

Special functions of the website

Our website offers several functions, the use of which involves the collection, processing and storage of personal data. In the following it will be explained what will happen with this data:

Contact form(s)

  • Which personal data is collected and to what extent is it processed?

    The data entered in our contact forms, which you have entered in the input field of the contact form.

  • Legal basis for the processing of personal data

    Art. 6 (1) lit. a GDPR (consent by explicit confirmatory act or conduct)

  • Purpose of data processing

    The data collected through our contact form or through our contact forms will only be used for processing the specific contact request received through the contact form. In order to satisfy your contact request, please note that we may also send you e-mails to the address provided. The purpose of this is to enable you to receive confirmation from us that your request has been correctly forwarded to us. However, the sending of this confirmation e-mail is not binding for us and is for your information only.

  • Duration of storage

    After your request has been processed, the collected data will be deleted without delay, unless there are legal retention periods.

  • Right of revocation and deletion

    The revocation and deletion rights are based on the general provisions on the right of revocation and deletion under data protection law as set out in the following privacy statement.

  • Necessity of providing personal data

    The use of the contact forms occurs on a voluntary basis and is neither contractually nor legally prescribed. There is no obligation to contact us via the contact form, but you may also use the other contact options provided on our website. If you want to use our contact form, you must fill in the mandatory fields. In case you do not provide information for the necessary fields on the contact form, you can either not send the request or we cannot process your request.

Login area / registration

  • Scope of the processing of personal data and personal data collected

    The registration and login data you have entered or disclosed to us.

  • Legal basis for the processing of personal data

    Art. 6 para. 1 lit. b GDPR (implementation of (pre)contractual measures)

  • Purpose of data processing

    You have the possibility to use a separate login area on our website. To check your authorisation to use the protected area or the protected documents, you must enter your login data (e-mail or user name and password) in the corresponding form. If required, users can request their login data or the possibility to reset their password by e-mail.

  • Duration of storage

    The collected data is stored as long as you maintain a user account with us.

  • Right of objection and cancellation

    At any time you may object to the processing in accordance with Art. 21 GDPR and request the deletion of data in accordance with Art. 17 GDPR. The rights to which you are entitled and how you assert them can be found at the bottom of this privacy statement.

  • Necessity of providing personal data

    The use of the login area on our site is required by contract for the use of the protected area. It is not possible to use the content protected by the login area without entering personal data. If you want to use our login area, you must provide information in the mandatory fields (user name and password). The entry of data requires the existence of a user account. A registration is not possible, if the data entered by you is incorrect. If the data is incorrect or not entered by you, the protected area cannot be used. The rest of the page can still be used without login.

Integration of external web services and processing of data outside the EU

We use active content from external providers, so-called web services, on our website. When accessing our website, these external providers may receive personal information about your visit to our website. It may then be possible that data is processed outside the EU. This can be avoided by installing an appropriate browser plugin or deactivating the execution of scripts in your browser. This may result in functional limitations of the websites you visit.

We use the following external web services:

  • website-check.de

    On our website, a web service of the company Website-Check GmbH, Beethovenstraße 24, 66111 Saarbrücken, Germany (hereinafter: website-check.de) is used. We use this information to ensure the full functionality of our website. For this purpose your browser may transfer personal data to website-check.de. Legal basis for data processing is Art. 6 (1) lit. f GDPR. There is a legitimate interest in the correct functioning of the website. The deletion of the data occurs as soon as the purpose of its collection has been fulfilled. You can find more information about the handling of the transferred data in the privacy policy of website-check.de: https://www.website-check.de/datenschutzerklaerung/

    By disabling the execution of script code in your browser or installing a script blocker in your browser, you can prevent website-check.de from collecting and processing your data.

Information on the use of cookies

  • Scope of personal data processing

    We use cookies on various pages to allow the use of certain functions of our website. Cookies are small text files that your browser can store on your computer. These text files have a characteristic string of characters that identify the browser clearly when you return to our site. The process of storing a cookie file is also called ‘placing a cookie’.

  • Legal basis for the processing of personal data

    Art. 6 (1) lit. f GDPR (legitimate interest). It is our legitimate interest to maintain the full functionality of our website, to increase its usability and to enable a more individual customer service. An identification of individual site visitors is only possible using cookie technology, if the site visitor has previously provided us with appropriate personal data based on separate consent.

  • Purpose of data processing

    Cookies are used by our website to maintain the full functionality of our website and to improve usability. Cookie technology also permits the recognition of individual visitors by means of pseudonyms, e.g. an individual, arbitrary user, so that we are able to offer more individual services.

  • Duration of storage

    The storage of our cookies takes place until the deletion in your browser or, if it is a session cookie, until the session has expired.

  • Right of objection and elimination

    It is possible to adjust your browser to your preferences so that the setting of cookies is generally prevented. In this case it is possible to accept cookies on a case-by-case basis or to accept cookies in principle. Cookies can be used for various purposes, e.g. to recognise that your PC has already been connected to our website (permanent cookies) or to save recently viewed offers (session cookies). We use cookies to offer greater user comfort. To use our convenience functions, we recommend that you allow the acceptance of cookies for our website. The revocation and removal rights are based on the general provisions on the right of revocation and removal under data protection law as set out in the following data protection declaration.

Data security and data protection, communication by e-mail

During the collection, storage and processing, personal data is protected by technical and organisational measures so that it is not accessible to third parties. For unencrypted communication by e-mail, we cannot guarantee complete data security during transfer to our IT systems. We recommend encrypted communication or communication by post for information with a high need for confidentiality.

Right to information and correction requests - Deletion & restrictions of data - Revocation of consents - Right of objection

Right to information

At your request, we can provide confirmation as to whether we are processing your personal data. If this is the case, you have a right to information about the information specified in Art. 15 (1) GDPR, provided that the rights and freedoms of other persons are not affected (cf. Art. 15 (4) GDPR). We would also be pleased to provide you with a copy of the data.

Right to correction

In accordance with Art. 16 GDPR, users have the right to have incorrectly stored personal data (such as address, name, etc.) corrected by us at any time. In addition, it is possible to request the completion of the data stored by us at any time. A corresponding adjustment will be carried out immediately.

Right to deletion

In accordance with Art. 17 (1) GDPR, you have the right to request the deletion of the personal data collected about you if

  • the data is no longer needed;
  • on the basis of the revocation of your consent the legal basis of the processing is void without substitution;
  • you have objected to the processing and there are no legitimate reasons for the processing;
  • your data is processed unlawfully;
  • a legal obligation requires this or a survey pursuant to Art. 8 (1) GDPR has taken place.

The right in accordance with Art. 17 (3) GDPR does not exist, if

  • the processing of the data is necessary for the exercise of the right to freedom of expression and information;
  • your data has been collected on the basis of a legal obligation;
  • the processing is necessary for reasons of public interest;
  • the data is required for the assertion, exercise or defence of legal claims.

Right of processing restriction

In accordance with Art. 18 (1) GDPR, in individual cases you have the right to demand that the processing of your personal data be restricted.

This is the case, if

  • the correctness of the personal data is disputed by you;
  • the processing is unlawful and you do not consent to its deletion;
  • the data is no longer required for the processing purpose, but the data collected is used to assert, exercise or defend legal claims;
  • an objection has been filed against the processing in accordance with Art. 21 (1) GDPR and it is not yet clear which interests prevail.

Right of revocation

You can revoke your consent to the processing of your personal data at any time, provided you have given us your express consent (Art. 6 (1) lit. a GDPR or Art. 9 (2) lit. a GDPR ). Please note that the legality of the processing based on the consent until revocation is not affected by this.

Right of objection

In accordance with Art. 21 GDPR, users have the right to object to the processing of their personal data at any time, if the data was collected on the basis of Art. 6 (1) lit. f (within the scope of a legitimate interest). The right is only granted to you, if special circumstances argue against the storage and processing.

How can I exercise my rights?

You can exercise your rights at any time by using the contact details below:

W. Gessmann GmbH
Eppinger Straße 221
74211 Leingarten
E-Mail: sales@gessmann.com
Tel.: +49 7131 4067 0
Fax: +49 7131 4067 10

Right to data transferability

In accordance with Art. 20 GDPR, you are entitled to the transfer of personal data relating to you. The data is made available in a structured, common and machine-readable format. The data can be sent either to yourself or to a responsible person named by you.

In accordance with Art. 20 (1) GDPR, we provide you with the following data if requested:

  • Data collected on the basis of express consent pursuant to Art. 6 (1) lit. a GDPR or Art. 9 (2) lit. a GDPR;
  • Data obtained in accordance with Art. 6 (1) lit. b GDPR within the framework of existing contracts;
  • Data processed in the context of an automated procedure.

The transfer of personal data directly to a responsible person requested by you will be carried out, if this is technically feasible. Please note that we are not allowed to transfer data affecting the freedoms and rights of other persons in accordance with Art. 20 (4) GDPR.

Right of appeal to the supervisory authority pursuant to Art. 77 (1) GDPR

If you have the suspicion that your data is being illegally processed by our website, you can of course initiate a judicial clarification of the problem at any time. In addition, every other legal possibility is open to you. Irrespective of this, you have the option of contacting a supervisory authority in accordance with Art. 77 (1) GDPR. The right of appeal in accordance with Art. 77 GDPR applies to you within the EU Member State of your place of residence, your place of work and/or the place of the alleged infringement, i.e. you can choose the supervisory authority to which you turn from the above-mentioned places. The supervisory authority receiving the complaint will then inform you of the status and results of your complaint, including the possibility of a judicial remedy pursuant to Art. 78 GDPR.

Written by:

© IT-Recht-Kanzlei DURY – www.dury.de

© Website-Check GmbH – www.website-check.de